Full dataset for the 2011 ranking

Below, you can find the links to download all the raw data and sources used for the ranking.

Scores of the Democracy Ranking 2011.

Download: A4 | Letter

Comprehensive Scoreboards and Scoreboards for the Dimensions

Download: Excel format

List of Indicators

Download: Excel format

The Democracy Improvement Ranking 2011

Download: A4 | Letter


# Campbell, David F. J. / Thorsten D. Barth / Paul Pölzlbauer / Georg Pölzlbauer (2012). Democracy Ranking (Edition 2012): The Quality of Democracy in the World. Vienna: Democracy Ranking (Books on Demand).
see http://www.amazon.com (Paperback)
see http://www.amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
see http://www.buecher.de (Germany)

# Campbell, David F. J. (2011). Key Findings (Summary Abstract) of the Democracy Ranking 2011 and of the Democracy Improvement Ranking 2011. Vienna: Democracy Ranking.
download PDF a4 format
download PDF letter format

# Campbell, David F. J. / Paul Pölzlbauer / Thorsten D. Barth / Georg Pölzlbauer (2011). Das „Democracy Ranking 2011 of the Quality of Democracy“: Erstveröffentlichung. Konzept und Kontext. Wien: Democracy Ranking.
download PDF (in German)

# Campbell, David F. J. (2008). The Basic Concept for the Democracy Ranking of the Quality of Democracy. Vienna: Democracy Ranking.
download PDF a4 format
download PDF letter format

# Carayannis, Elias G. / David F. J. Campbell (2012). Mode 3 Knowledge Production in Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems. 21st-Century Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Development. New York: Springer.
see http://www.springer.com/

# Barth, Thorsten D. (2011). Die 20 besten Demokratien der Welt. Freiheit — Gleichheit — Demokratiequalität auf einen Blick. [The World’s Top 20 Democracies: Freedom, Equality and the Quality of Democracy at a Glance.] Norderstedt: Books on Demand Verlag.
see http://www.amazon.de/dp/3842378874

# Campbell, David F. J. / Thorsten D. Barth (2009). Wie können Demokratie und Demokratiequalität gemessen werden? Modelle, Demokratie-Indices und Länderbeispiele im globalen Vergleich. [How Can Democracy and the Quality of Democracy be Measured? Models, Democracy Indices and Country-Based Case Studies in Global Comparison.] SWS-Rundschau 49 (2), 209-233.
see http://www.sws-rundschau.at/html/archiv.php
download PDF a4 format

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